Spring Safety: Weekly Safety Topics - March 2020 - Week 2


Spring time is almost here which means sunshine and warmer temperatures. However, along with all the fun, spring brings in its own share of hazards. Spring is a great for time outdoors and getting active but taking an extra minute to consider safety can prevent accidents and injury.

This week we will discuss common spring time activities, safety hazards and preventative measures.

Monday - Sports

Sunny days and warmer temperatures make us want to get outdoors after being cooped up all winter. A great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some much needed exercise is to participate in sporting events.

Below are some tips to ensure you and your teammates have an enjoyable experience instead of dealing with injury or illness.

  • It’s been a long winter; make sure you have the proper conditioning prior to going full blast in your first game. Too much too fast can lead to injury. 
  • Stay hydrated! This is especially crucial when the body is not yet adjusted to the warmer weather.
  • Complete a proper warm up and cool down with stretching to keep muscles loose and reduce the chance of injury.
  • Give your body the proper nutrition. Your body needs clean fuel to run properly, just like your vehicle.
  • Also don’t forget to have fun!

Tuesday - Outdoor Chores

Springtime awakens all living things, including the grass, hedges, and bushes that lie dormant through the winter. In a world full of chaos, we like to keep order in our lives. In the spring time, this “order” is a well maintained yard.

Let’s discuss some tips for keeping your yard in tip top shape in a safe manner.

  • Make sure your equipment is operating properly before beginning your task. The equipment most likely hasn’t run in a few months so checking it beforehand can prevent an accident and save a significant amount of time.
  • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment. Lawn mowers and weed whackers can turn items hidden by the grass into dangerous projectiles. Wearing protective gloves, glasses, and clothing can help prevent injury.
  • Don’t underestimate the spring time temperatures and sunshine. Staying hydrated and wearing sunblock will help ensure you get the job done safely.

Wednesday - Insects

Another inevitable but occasionally annoying fact of spring is the rise in insect activity. It’s not only humans, animals, and vegetation that love the sunshine and warmth, the insects do as well.

Now is the time to start planning for preventive measures to avoid those pesky bites and stings.

  • Store and dispose of waste properly. Pests need food to survive just like us. Properly storing and disposing of food and waste will help limit pest activity.
  • Control the moisture. Even small pools of water attract springtime pests. Limiting the amount of moisture around your home or business can encourage pests to find a new home.
  • Inspect your perimeter and seal entryways. Openings in your home or business provide the perfect entrance for unwanted guests.

Thursday - Weather

Changing temperatures in the spring time can also create the right conditions for extreme weather, including severe thunderstorms, flooding, and tornadoes.

Below are some tips to stay safe during turbulent weather.

  • Stay informed and know what to listen for.  A watch means severe weather conditions are possible or likely in your area. A warning means severe weather has been reported or indicated by radar.
  • Take precautions early when a threat of bad weather is imminent. Preparing an emergency kit is critical in case you are stranded or unable to get to help quickly.
  • Turn around, don’t drown. Never underestimate the power of a flood. Just a few inches of flowing water can sweep you off your feet.

Friday - Open Discussion

This week we’ve discussed some common spring time activities and ways to stay. Now let’s share some personal stories about your favorite springtime activities and how you consider safety when enjoying the changing season.

  • What are your favorite spring time activities? Do you consider safety when you do these activities?
  • Have your ever been injured performing these spring time activities? How could you have prevented that?
  • Will you consider safety when planning your spring time activities this year? Why or why not?


Tags: safety topics , workplace safety , injury prevention , personal health and wellness ,

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