Monday - Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)/Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
A Job Safety Analysis, or JSA for short, is a method to systematically identify and evaluate hazards associated with a particular job or task. JSAs work to control identified hazards and ensure that employees have the training, equipment and supplies to work safely, but how can you identify what needs analysis? To do this, look for jobs or tasks with a history of injuries or near misses and jobs with catastrophic potential such as tasks where one minor human error could lead to serious injury. Also plan Job Hazard Analyses for jobs or tasks that are not standard work, rarely performed jobs, complex multi-step jobs, and when people are new to the job or task.
Area operators should conduct these analyses as they work with the machines and processes every day and have firsthand knowledge. It is helpful to involve operators from other areas to provide a fresh perspective. Manufacturing engineers and supervisors should review JSA development to provide support and resources as needed.
Tuesday - Conducting the JSA
- Identify the job or task that needs analysis
- Break the job or task into key components
- Identify hazards found in each key component
- Identify ways to eliminate or control hazards
- Eliminate hazards or install controls
- Keep a record of hazards identified and steps taken to eliminate or control them
While conducting the JSA, take time to observe and talk with area operators to see how work tasks are done and the demands of their jobs. Talk with them to determine the most hazardous part of their jobs - this can help with ranking hazards and control measures.
Wednesday - Things to Keep in Mind
- Don’t include too much or too little data.
- The right amount of detail breaks the job into components that make sense in terms of the overall job.
- Limit the number of components to 10 or less.
- Hierarchy of Controls: The best method to control hazards is to eliminate them at the source.
- Personal Protective Equipment is the least effective method of hazard control
- Review JSAs annually to ensure they are current.
- Retrain employees when JSAs are revised.
Thursday - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Assessments
- Where JSA calls for PPE, create a documented PPE assessment that details the PPE requirements for the particular job.
- The PPE assessment is a one page form that communicates PPE requirements. Include both pictures and written descriptions of the required PPE.
- Ensure the PPE assessment lists the specific requirements of the work area (i.e. protection level, model number).
- Post PPE assessments in each work area.
- Update annually and whenever there are changes to the workplace.
- Retrain employees whenever the PPE assessment changes and annually on the required use and care of PPE.
- Don’t forget seasonal PPE!
Friday - Free Speech Friday
Are JSA’s up to date in your location? Have you reviewed work area hazards? Has anything changed in your area since creating the JSA? Now is a good time to look around, go through job procedures, and make sure all Health and Safety Hazards are identified.
Tags: safety topics , osha compliance , osha training basics ,