Monday – Risk Tolerance:
We all understand risk tolerance when it comes to investments and gambling, it’s on how much risk we decide to take whether we invest in that stock or choose to save our money under our mattress at home. The same applies to personal safety; it’s on how much that person feels they are at risk and what they are willing to do by the choices we make.
According to Dave Fennell Safety Inc. Here are the 10 factors that Influence Risk Tolerance.
- Overestimating capability /experience
- Familiarity with the task
- Seriousness of outcome
- Voluntary actions and being in control
- Personal experience with an outcome
- Cost of non-compliance
- Confidence in Equipment
- Confidence in protection and rescue
- Potential profit and gain from actions
- Role models accepting risk
Tuesday – Overestimating Capabilities or Experience
It’s a belief that one’s physical ability this can be strength, or agility will allow them to do the task without injury or that years of experience (wisdom) will prevent any adverse situation.
General actions to be taken
- Reflect on your role as a mentor
- The person watching may not have the same physical capabilities or experience so you should do the task the safest way possible so they can learn to do it properly. Acknowledge that the physical capability and skill may be sufficient but then reinforce the way it’s supposed to be done
- Make sure to review proper handling and lifting guide of your workplace. Our safe lifting weight is 35lbs anything over requires a 2 man lift or lifting devices. And always make sure to follow proper lifting techniques to protect your back.
- Always stop and think, is this the best way to do this manual task? Do I have the right tools and equipment for the job?
Wednesday – Familiarity with the task
A repetitive task can become routine and then risk awareness decreases. Complacency sets in when it is done many times without an incident.
General Actions to take:
- Verbalize the steps of the task as you are doing it.
- Is this how I would tach a new person to do this task?
- What does the procedure of JSA describe as proper way to do this task?
- Always stop and think
- What could go wrong this time?
- How bad could it be THIS time?
Review JSA’s often, even when it something you do every day. Review your hazards and keep yourself aware of your surroundings. Always think and ask is there a better way this task can be done? Take away the mindset that this is the way we have always done it.
Thursday – Seriousness of the Outcome
When we believe the outcome of an action could be serious, we have fewer acceptances for the risk. If we believe the outcome may not be serious, we accept more risk.
- Think about near misses that have happened within our company or outside company and analyze them. How bad could have it been? Talk about a better way to do the task and what could have been done differently.
Voluntary activities and being in control:
Control over an activity or engaging in an activity voluntarily results in the risk being perceived as lower.
The Decision to voluntarily participate in a task or activity will be based on our perception of the risk associated with the task the desire to engage in the activity may be great enough to discount the know risks
Being in control of the task or activity reduces our reliance on other unknowns and therefore the risk is perceived as being lower.
Friday – Personal Experience with an outcome
When we have a personal experience in our past with a serious outcome, we will be less accepting of the risks associated with the activity. If not, we may be skeptical that a serious incident could actually occur.
Keep the ‘corporate memory’ Alive:
- Inform newer workers of serious incidents that our company has experienced in the past involving the specific task
- Supervisors, expert observers, and the keepers of the corporate memory have the obligation to share their experiences with newer workers
- Demonstrate that incidents have occurred because of not following a procedure
- Demonstrate that there have been serious consequences in the past
- Use safety alters and incident summaries from within the company, from industry associations and other companies to reinforce that incidents have happened and still could if standards are not followed
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