Webinar - Laceration Prevention

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

2:00 PM Eastern

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016, lacerations and amputations accounted for 10% of all workplace injuries, with 9.8 incidents per 10,000 full-time workers. The same injury rate occurs away from work as well. Most of these injuries happen to males between the ages of 20 – 24. Don’t forget contusions and bruises, which occur at a similar rate. But they happen more often in women between the ages of 55 – 64. And in some industries, such as manufacturing, the rates are as much as three times higher.

Lacerations and contusions can be traumatic not only for the injured person of course, but also for their co-workers who witnessed the injury and colleagues who provide first aid. How do we stay vigilant to prevent these injuries? 

In this webinar we’ll talk about root causes and triggers, and relate them to behaviors and cultural expectations about safety. You’ll learn how a positive workplace safety culture help people to keep one another safe.