Safety Summit: WLS Safety Culture in Action | Mar. 10-11 | Columbia, SC

Safety Summit Columbia - more than a conferenceMarch 10-11, 2020  |  Columbia, SC

Hosted by technetics
Conference at hilton columbia center

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Every organization can achieve zero workplace injuries. The journey begins when safety is more than a goal or objective, but rather an unwavering value. The journey begins with you.

At the Workplace Learning System SafetySummit we will show you how to begin the safety culture journey. More than a safety conference, the SafetySummit is a 2-day immersive learning experience in which attendees are introduced to our complete Safety System. 

Bring your safety shoes and glasses- this is no training lab experience. You’ll be out on the manufacturing floor in the same environments that produce our highly engineered products. Our Safety Coaches begin with our positive workplace safety culture fundamentals that include: 

Executive Management Commitment    Management Accountability
Safety Leadership Training Safety Metrics & Goal Setting
Recognition & Incentive Programs Care Management & Injury Analysis   
Habits of Excellence And Much More...

Attendees learn the details of our safety culture development system: employee engagement, safety communication centers, SafetyFirst behavior-based safety program, near miss/safety opportunities reporting, “Best Practices” safety standards, cultural building practices and employee driven EHS organizational model.

Day 1

The first day of the SafetySummit will feature WLS executive leadership. They participate in the SafetySummit  as keynote speakers and experienced facilitators, addressing topics such as being a safety leader, tying safety to operational excellence, and participating in examples of our best practices.  Additionally, half of the day will be spent introducing you to the core elements of our safety approach that affect change in our companies and clients.

Keynote Speakers

Joe Wheatley, safety culture expert    Workplace Learning System President Joe Wheatley

Day 2

The second day of the SafetySummit features a plant tour of a best in class manufacturing facility, led by the people who make our safety culture system work every day - the frontline employees serving on Safety Action Teams and watching out for one another as they work.

During a luncheon and panel discussion, you will meet front-line employees and be able to to ask them direct questions. They are very excited to highlight the various initiatives they undertake to make their workplace safer each day.

In the afternoon, you will learn more from Workplace Learning System safety coaches about the remaining components of our safety system, practice one of our best safety communication tactics, and plan for how to apply the safety culture principles to your organization.

Who Should Attend Our Safety summit?

Positions Responsibilities
President, CEO, COO    Executive
Vice President Operations
Director Safety / EHS
Facility Manager Human Resources  
Manager Risk Management
Supervisor Quality
Safety Leaders (Employees)    Maintenance

Professionals from any industry can attend, if they want to learn how to make their organization a safer workplace.

What Past Attendees Are Saying...

"Very insightful and enlightening. Really opened my eyes and gave me great ideas to bring back to my plant."
Daniel Ivey, Bonnell Aluminum
"If you want to know how safety in a company should be done, you should attend SafetySummit."
Rob Fry, ElectroCycle /
Metal Exchange 
"It's powerful, it makes you want to go back to your facility and start driving safety with your employees."
Christopher Alonzo, Leprino Foods
"It was great because you set people up for success. You don't just tell people to do this and do that and you will be safe."
Tyler Osborne, Pennex Aluminum
"High impact, inspirational, changing."
Brian Hanrahan, Imerys

"Opportunity to see and experience an engaged workforce regarding all facets of safety."
John Corsi, National Gypsum

The WLS SafetySummit walks you through the safety programs and cultural development exercises that EnPro Learning System utilized to make EnPro Industries facilities best in class. Join us for an event that past attendees call "life-changing."

If you’re interested in sending a group of 4 or more to our event,
please call 844-264-2357 for group pricing information.