Safety360 Leadership Development
If you are the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) champion in your organization, a safe workplace culture begins with you. Are you trying to develop your leadership safety ethics? Do you know if you have the support of your organization’s leadership, management and employees by their safety beliefs and actions? Safety360 Feedback is a powerful tool to gain insight about your organization’s safety leadership and the state of its safety culture. Combined with our Safety Leadership Progression development program, your organization can begin to change its safety culture perspective to achieve injury freedom.
- Develop your personal safety ethics
- Strengthen leaders’ support for safety
- Make safety a core value
- Start creating your safety culture
The Safety360 Feedback analysis tool was designed by Workplace Learning Systems to give participants confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. This typically includes the participant's manager, peers, and direct reports. It’s not only for EHS professionals, but also for executives, operations managers, support managers and front-line supervisors. Any leader in an organization can be a safety leader.
Safety360 Feedback is a personal development tool to help leaders recognize strengths and weaknesses in order to become more effective in creating a caring and safe workplace environment. The Safety360 Feedback survey automatically tabulates, and the results are presented in a format that helps the feedback recipient create a development plan. Individual responses are always combined with responses from other people in the same category (e.g. peer, direct report) in order to preserve anonymity and to give the employee a clear picture of his/her greatest overall strengths and weaknesses.
- Third-party, confidential, anonymous survey
- Receive feedback from supervisors, peers and employees
- On-site workshops led by WLS safety coaches to interpret feedback
- Turn results into actionable personal and corporate strategies
- Discover your safety voice
During the Safety360 Leadership Development training workshop, safety leaders can plot a clear direction for growing the organization's safe workplace environment. After personally processing the results, participants take the next step to develop personal application plans and organizational safety culture action plans. The Safety360 Feedback becomes a powerful tool to jump-start a EHS program with specific, measurable goals and tactics combined with an effective leadership perspective.
WLS can facilitate the Safety360 Leadership program for your organization on site. It typically starts with a conference call session with participants to present the program and identify those who will be surveyed. After the survey results are tabulated, an WLS consultant presents the findings during a one-day workshop for the participants. During that time, participants learn how to communicate and demonstrate their safety beliefs to front-line supervisors and employees, as well as plan what the safety culture will look like at their organization.
To get started with Safety360 Leadership, contact us directly or call 844-264-2357.