The Missing Piece to Incident Investigation - Care Management

The first place to demonstrate safety leadership is to care for employees when they are injured, investigate why the injury occurred, and then prevent the same injury from ever happening again – anywhere in your organization. Intentional care for injured employees often results in the employees returning to work at the most appropriate time for the employees’ health and the organization’s operations.

Injury investigation for worker found lying on the groundWe call this process Care Management, and it’s more than injury incident investigation. Care Management involves a planned, coordinated injury response in a consistent and caring manner. The objective is NOT to punish or blame injured employees, but to restore them to the workplace at the most appropriate time to benefit both the employee and the operations.

Our world-class safety consultants can coach your safety leaders through:

  • proper identification of an injury
  • immediate emergency response
  • medical escorting
  • interacting with medical professionals
  • incident investigation
  • organization injury notifications
  • follow up actions

In the event that an incident takes place, having systems in place to ensure care, gather and analyze relevant information and facts, correct any unsafe situations and communicate throughout the organization are essential.  This one-day, on-site workshop will give your organization proactive practices that to utilize to ensure the best injury response and care for any injury or illness.

For example, one unique component of Care Management is the Hot Seat Call. At EnPro Industries locations, a Hot Seat Call is conducted whenever there is a lost-time injury, significant first aid incident, or a near miss. Hot Seat Calls occur within 24 hours of the incident, including weekends and holidays. This component of Care Management increases the urgency and scope of corrective actions.

In our Care Management workshop, you’ll learn about Hot Seat Calls as well as:

  • Setting up a strong incident response program
  • How to care for an injured employee immediately and throughout the entire recovery process
  • OSHA Work Relatedness and Reporting/Recordkeeping
  • Interaction with physicians and emergency providers before and after an injury
  • Robust review processes to ensure proper investigation, corrective action and follow-up

The advantage of Care Management is that the process can quickly produce results in preventing injuries. In turn, injury frequency and severity reduction decreases workers compensation costs and improves risk management. With Care Management, your organization will take its first tangible steps toward injury freedom.

If you are ready for a Care Management program, contact us directly or call 844-264-2357.