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Pinch Points: Safety Brief - August 29, 2022
This week we are going to discuss another common source of workplace injuries, pinch points. The phrase, pinch point may not bring to mind a serious injury, however pinch points can create very severe injuries from crushed appendages or limbs to amputation. Let’s take a look at defining what pinch points are, how to identify them, common causes of injuries and how to avoid pinch points.
Battery and Electric Waste Recycling: Safety Topics - July 2021 - Week #5
When a battery in your home or office dies, do you know the right way to get rid of it? Or even what the most sustainable option is? With so many wireless electronics in our lives, it’s important to know what to do with your dead batteries. This can vary based on what they are used for. This week we are going to talk about disposing of batteries properly.
Water Safety: Safety Topics - July 2021 - Week 4
Now that summer is here, it’s time for trips to the beach and afternoons spent outside by the pool. There’s nothing like getting away for a warm and sunny vacation this time of year, but it’s important to stay safe and practice proper water safety. Here are some tips to keep in mind before you hit the waves or jump in the pool.
Wildfire Prevention and Protection: Safety Topics - July 2021 - Week 2
Wildfires affect everyone. They can spread fast and harm us. Wildfires are getting bigger and more dangerous. More people are living in areas at risk for wildfires, but we can take action to prepare. This week we will discuss wildfire prevention and protection.
Injury Prevention: Safety Topics - June 2021 - Week 4
This week our safety briefings will review tips related to the injuries and near misses that happen most often in our workplace. They are incidents that we easily overlook when we’re busy or tired or both. In our efforts to eliminate all injuries from our workplace, focusing on preventing these “minor” incidents will also help keep “major” incidents from happening. Remember, all injuries affect everyone.
Electrical Safety: Safety Topics - May 2021 - Week 1
Despite the extreme recent changes in our everyday lives, the world is still turning and our everyday activities are continuing at some level. In the modern era electricity is nearly everywhere you go. We often take advantage of it and sometimes don’t give it the consideration it deserves. Electricity is a powerful tool but can be deadly if not handled properly. May is electrical safety month so this week we will be focusing on understanding the basics of electrical safety.
Spring Safety: Safety Topics - March 2021 - Week 5
With warmer weather and springtime in full swing, many of us are excited to get back outdoors and enjoy all that this time of year has to offer. It is important, however, to note the hazards and risks associated with some of our favorite springtime activities. By taking some of these into account, we can promote a happy, healthy transition from the colder months into the spring and summer.
New Years Safety: Safety Topics - December 2020 - week 4
2020 has been a particularly challenging year. Many are looking forward to ringing in the new year and filled with hope for better days to come. There are many different traditions for celebrating the incoming year but there are some common ones we will discuss this week along with ways to stay safe during these events. Wishing everyone a very happy and safe New Year!
Stormwater Pollution Prevention: Safety Topics - December 2020 - week 3
Discussing stormwater pollution prevention may not be a common topic in your workplace but the more awareness you have in your facility, the better your pollution prevention program will be. Having an effective stormwater pollution prevention program requires everyone’s time and efforts. The end result of having an effective program is a cleaner environment which benefits everyone in the long run. This week we will discuss the basics of stormwater pollution prevention.
Winter Sports Safety: Safety Topics - November 2020 - week 4
The cold weather is fast approaching and has already arrived in many areas. Winter is an excellent time for friends and families to enjoy an array of fun wintertime activities. This week we will discuss ways to stay safe while enjoying your favorite winter sports.
Influenza Season: Safety Topics - November 2020 - week 3
It’s that time of year again, sniffle, sneezing, coughing and wheezing. Sometimes those sniffles can take a turn for the worst and become the dreaded flu virus. This week we will get a better understanding of what the flu virus is, different types of flu viruses, discuss prevention steps, signs and symptoms and what to do if you get sick.
Ergonomics: Safety Topics - November 2020 - week 1
Workplace injuries related to ergonomics which lead to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) are among the most frequently reported cause of lost or restricted work time. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, MSD cases account for 1/3 of all worker injury cases in the US. More importantly, MSDs caused by workplace ergonomic issues can severely impact a worker’s quality of life. This week we will take a look at what MSDs are, ergonomic risk factors, personal risk factors and controlling these risk factors to keep employees safe.
Halloween Safety: Safety Topics - October 2020 - week 3
Halloween is an exciting time of the year, full of festivities and fun! This year may look a little different due to the COVID-19 pandemic but that doesn’t mean fun can’t still be had with a few extra precautions. Along with this new safety concern, Halloween activities typically bring along the same hazards year after year. This week we will discuss some of those hazards and ways to avoid them so you and your loved ones can have a safety and happy Halloween.
Fire Prevention Tips: Safety Topics - October 2020 - week 2
October is fire prevention month. The U.S. Fire Administration reports that fires kill more than 4,000 Americans each year and approximately injure 20,000 more. U.S. fire departments respond to nearly 2 million fires each year, with three-quarters of them occurring in residences. This week we will focus on 10 basic safety tips for preventing fires in your home and reducing the risk of injury should one occur.
Care Management: Safety Topics - October 2020 - week 2
In the unfortunate event of an injury at your workplace, it is critical that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities when it comes to how best to respond. We are going to refer to this process as care management. This week we are going to provide an overview of how to implement an effective care management process in your workplace.
Fall Safety: Safety Topics - October 2020 - week 5
Fall is a favorite season for many. Relief from the summer heat, leaves changing beautiful colors, holiday seasons approaching, and favorite fall flavors make fall a great season to enjoy. This week we are going to cover some of the hazards the season can present and more importantly how to avoid these hazards so this time of the year can be enjoyed to the fullest.
Reducing the Effects of Eye Strain: Safety Topics - September 2020 - week 4
As the trend for many workplaces move towards remote work, more and more time will be spent in front of the computer screen. We need to shift our thinking about safety to consider less than obvious safety risks like eye strain. The average person spends 6-9 hours of screen time a day, the tips we will discuss this week will help reduce the effects of eye strain despite the many hours of screen time often required for remote work.
Proper Lifting Techniques: Safety Topics - September 2020 - week 3
Lifting injuries due to poor technique are very prevalent not only in the workplace but in everyday lift. Understanding simple mechanics of proper lifting could not only prevent workplace injuries but also improve your overall quality of life by decreasing your chances of a serious back injury. This week we will dive deeper into why it’s important, provide tips for preparing for a lift, discuss the do’s and don’ts and provide the basic mechanics of a proper lifting technique.
Fatigue in the Workplace: Safety Topics - September 2020 - week 2
Feeling fatigued at work is not merely an annoyance, it can also lead to serious safety incidents. There have been many serious workplace accidents that can be directly linked to overly tired employees that led to the death of many. Understanding the causes and more importantly the ways to prevent or reduce workplace fatigue is a critical factor in keeping yourself and your colleagues safe.
Summer Storm Preparedness: Safety Topics - August 2020 - week 5
Although we are nearing the tail end of the season, summer storms are still occurring. Proper preparation is key to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe at home and in the workplace. This week we will focus on preparing for summer storms including thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and hailstorms.
Safe Practices for Working from Home: Safety Topics - August 2020 - Week 4
Safe Practices for Working from Home
Pinch Points: Safety Topics - August 2020 - Week 3
This week we are going to discuss another common source of workplace injuries, pinch points. The phrase, pinch point may not bring to mind a serious injury, however pinch points can create very severe injuries from crushed appendages or limbs to amputation. Let’s take a look at defining what pinch points are, how to identify them, common causes of injuries and how to avoid pinch points.
Last Minute Risk Assessment: Safety Topics - July 2020 - Week 3
Many accidents in the workplace are avoidable and often occur during routine tasks. A worker that underestimates the hazards in their job is less likely to remained focused and take the necessary precautions to perform the job safely. This week we will discuss a tool that can be used in your workplace to provide a final review of the task at hand to ensure employees are operating safely. This tool is the Last Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA).
July 4th Safety: Safety Topics - June 2020 - Week 4
America’s Independence Day is a one of the favorite holidays to celebrate for many American. It’s a day for family, friends, hot dogs, fire works and lots of fun. However, with any summertime celebration, there are also potential hazards involved. This week we will discuss some of these hazards and how to avoid them to make sure your holiday doesn’t end in disaster.
Machine Guarding: Safety Topics - June 2020 - Week 3
Moving machine parts create workplace hazards and potential machinery related injuries, making machine guards vitally important. This week we will discuss the general requirements, types of hazardous machinery motion and types of guarding. After this week you should have the tools needed to assess the standard of guarding in your workplace.
Heat Safety: Safety Topics - June 2020 - Week 2
Summer has arrived and it’s heating up out there! It’s time to start thinking about how to keep your employees and co-workers safe in their work environment with temperatures increasing. Summer comes every year yet somehow it seems to arrive before we are ready. This week we will discuss heat related illness, tips for hot weather safety and have an open discussion about ways you can prepare in the workplace. Amidst the turmoil of 2020, we can’t neglect the basics in keeping each other safe.
Electrical Safety: Safety Topics - May 2020 - Week 3
Despite the extreme recent changes in our everyday lives, the world is still turning and our everyday activities are continuing at some level. In the modern era electricity is nearly everywhere you go. We often take advantage of it and sometimes don’t give it the consideration it deserves. Electricity is a powerful tool but can be deadly if not handled properly. May is electrical safety month so this week we will be focusing on understanding the basics of electrical safety.
Stress in the Workplace: Safety Topics - April 2020 - Week 4
The coronavirus has affected nearly every person, either directly through illness or by the precautions put in place to prevent the spread of the illness. These circumstances and changes can lead to increased stress in your workplace. Awareness of the effects of stress and how to cope in a healthy manner is important. This week we will discuss what stress is, commons signs of distress, how to help each other, and what steps you can take to care for yourself. Lastly, we will have an open discussion about your thoughts and feelings regarding current circumstances and how to get through this as a team.
Safety Masks: Weekly Safety Topics - April 2020 - Week 2
Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed an increased amount of people wearing masks in public. There has been a lot of conflicting and sometimes confusing information provided by social and news media. This week we will discuss when it’s necessary to wear a mask, how to properly handle a mask, and the different types.
COVID-19 Terms: Safety Topics - March 2020 - Week 5
Ever since the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak began, new terms are constantly used by the media and health professionals when trying to communicate information to the general public. The technical name for this virus is SARS-CoV-2 and the respiratory disease it causes is coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19. It is easy to hear an unfamiliar term and misunderstand its meaning so this week we will discuss the most commonly used terms, what they mean, and how you can better understand the situation in your area based on the terms used.
COVID-19: Safety Topics - March 2020 - Week 3
Many workplaces are facing challenges as a result of the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. With restaurants, gyms, and other entertainment centers closing across the counter, education and communication are critical tools in preparing for and reacting to this situation. This week we are going to review some commonly asked questions, discuss the preventative steps workplaces can take, and provide resources to help you gather more information.
Safety Action Teams: Weekly Safety Topics - March 2020 - Week 3
Safety teams or committees can have different names within different organizations, but the overall idea is similar. For this week’s training, we will refer to them as safety action teams. Having a group of dedicated individuals throughout your company that are focused on injury prevention can have a tremendous positive impact on your efforts to make your workplace safer. This week we will discuss recommendations for forming an effective safety action team, roles and responsibilities of the safety action teams, best practices, and the benefits to creating safety action teams.
Spring Safety: Weekly Safety Topics - March 2020 - Week 2
Spring time is almost here which means sunshine and warmer temperatures. However, along with all the fun, spring brings in its own share of hazards. Spring is a great for time outdoors and getting active but taking an extra minute to consider safety can prevent accidents and injury. This week we will discuss common spring time activities, safety hazards and preventative measures.
Visitor Safety: Weekly Safety Topics - February 2020 - Week 3
Visitor safety involves not only protecting visitors but also maintaining security throughout the workplace. There are certain steps you must take before and during a visit to ensure safety is achieved. This week we will discuss best practice for facility visitors, ways to enhance the visitor’s experience, and provide some questions to consider regarding your facility’s emergency action plan.
Influenza Season: Safety Topics - February 2020 - Week 2
It’s that time of year again, sniffles, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. Sometimes, those sniffles can take a turn for the worst and become the dreaded influenza virus. According to the Center for Disease Control, the United States had more than 15 million cases of the flu in 2019 alone! It’s easy to underestimate the dangers of the flu virus because it is so common. However, the flu can lead to hospitalization and in some cases, death. This week we will get a better understanding of what the influenza virus is, different types of the virus, how to prevent it, and what to do if you get sick.
Waste Management: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 5
Each year, more than 7 billion tons of industrial solid waste are generated and disposed of by American industrial facilities alone. Promoting responsible waste management practices helps protect human health and the environment. Being environmentally conscious and reducing our carbon footprint is necessary for the health of our planet but where do we start? This week we will discuss ways to promote environmental awareness when it comes to waste management.
OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 4
Accurate OSHA recordkeeping and prompt injury reporting helps EHS professionals and operations managers evaluate workplace safety, understand the hazards, and protect workers by reducing or eliminating future workplace injuries or illnesses. This week we will discuss an overview of OSHA recordkeeping and reporting requirements along with some important definitions.
Cranes and Hoists Safety: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 3
Nothing is more frightening to a crane operator than a crane becoming unbalanced or collapsing due to excessive weight load. In an average year, injuries related to cranes and hoists account for approximately 1,000 lost-time work hours. Employees working with this type of equipment are exposed to great hazards which require taking extra safety precautions. This week, we will discuss the safety rules for operating cranes, moving loads, and parking loaded cranes. We will also discuss how to properly inspect overhead cranes, hoists, and wire ropes used on hoists.
First Aid and Wound Care: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 2
Many times, the smallest things can have serious impacts on our health. Something as simple as a cut, scrape, abrasion, or puncture has the potential to let in germs and lead to infection. If left untreated, infections can spread to other parts of the body and cause complications. This week we will provide you with tips on caring for your wounds, how you can decrease the chance of an infection, and what to do if a wound becomes infected.
Kickoff New Year's Safety Resolutions - Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 1
As we kick off the New Year, now is the best time to have an open discussion on why safety is so important to you. This week we have extended our safety topic to cover two days after New Year’s Day, and to discuss this year’s safety day kickoff topic at EnPro Industries, the difference and impact of what a SafetyMyVoice is versus a Safety Share.
Holiday Safety: Safety Topics - December 2019 - Week 4
Winter holidays are right around the corner which means a nice break with friends and family is coming up! However, with the holidays come stress, distractions, and safety concerns. During the holidays, we are distracted more than usual with festive activities such as planning dinners, purchasing gifts, hosting out-of-town family, and holiday road trips. With that being said, the holidays also can bring on additional stress that pose health and safety risks as well. This week we will give some pointers on how to manage holiday stress and will remind everyone about decoration and ladder safety tips. We will also discuss how to prepare for wintry driving conditions and parking lot safety while traveling or shopping.
Hazards Communication: Safety Topics - December 2019 - Week 3
Do you know why hazard communications is commonly referred to as “GHS”? OSHA revised their Hazard Communication Standard to align with the international “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals”, commonly referred to as “GHS”. Because of this, manufactures and distributers of hazardous chemicals changed the way they categorized the hazards of their products. Additionally, they changed the container labels and Safety Data Sheets relating to these hazardous chemicals. This week we will discuss the OSHA requirements of GHS labeling, what information is required on Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and provide a breakdown of what each GHS pictogram stands for.
Workplace Violence: Safety Topics - December 2019 - Week 2
Did you know that assaults are the fourth leading cause of workplace deaths? According to the National Safety Council, there were more than 18,000 injuries and 450 fatalities that occurred in 2017 alone as a result of workplace violence. Workplace violence can happen at any time. Knowing the behaviors and warning signs that indicate potential violence is necessary in order to stay safe. This week we will discuss the causes of workplace violence, what warning signs to look for, and how to report unusual behavior. Additionally, we will discuss emergency preparedness in the case of an active shooter.
Slips, Trips, and Falls: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 4
Slips, trips, and falls have appeared on OSHA’s number one most frequently cited standard for the past eight years. In 2018, OSHA cited 7,270 violations for general fall protection requirements and 1,982 fall protection training requirements. For the National Safety Council, falls top the list for leading causes of preventable injury related deaths. This week we will discuss slips, trips, and falls and how to prevent them in home and work settings. We will also discuss same level safety tips and winter precautions for slips, trips, and falls.
Sleep Deprivation: Tiredness vs. Fatigue: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 3
Sleep is necessary for your body and mind to recover so you can tackle each day at your full potential. Too little sleep puts you at risk for accidents and careless mistakes on the job and at home. This week we will discuss the adverse effects of fatigue and mitigating fatigue in the workplace, as well as identifying and managing it the second it hits.
Lockout/Tagout: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 2
Lockout/Tagout is a safety procedure that ensures power to dangerous machines is properly shut off, so that the machine will not start up again prior to maintenance or repair work completion. Anyone who operates, cleans, services, adjusts, and repairs machinery or equipment should know of the associated hazards. Any powered machinery or electrical equipment that can put people in danger is a safety hazard that lockout/tagout can prevent. Failure to lock or tag power sources on equipment can result in electrocutions, amputations, and other serious and potentially fatal injuries. This week, we will identify the importance of preparing for lockout/tagout, the most common causes of lockout/tagout failures, and some methods to prevent injury incidents from moving machinery. We will also discuss 7 steps for proper power shutdown and shutdown verification, as well as 3 steps for safe restart.
Safe Handling and Lifting: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 1
Lifting and carrying are jobs that require special care and training to prevent back injuries. Whether lifting at home or on the job, make an effort to do it safely. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that back injuries account for nearly 20% of all workplace related injuries. In fact, back injuries are the second most common injuries here at EnPro. A back injury can leave you with chronic pain and hefty medical bill, so it’s important to practice safe material handling. This week, we will discuss proper lifting techniques, awkward postures, proper housekeeping, high-frequency and long-duration labor, and quick and easy warm ups you can do to get you ready for the workday.
Home Emergency Preparedness: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 5
Natural and man-made disasters can strike at any time. Have your own emergency response plans when you're at work, at home, on vacation, or on the road. This week, we will discuss fire, chemical, and weather preparedness in the home and the kinds of emergency supplies you should keep on hand.
Eye Safety: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 4
Eye injuries in the workplace are very common. More than 2,000 eye injuries occur at work each day and about 40% of these take place in the construction, manufacturing, and mining industries. About 1 in 10 injuries result in missed workdays. Of the total amount of work-related injuries, 10-20% cause temporary or permanent vision loss. In addition, eye injuries suffered at work cost more than $300 million per year in lost productivity, treatment, and compensation. Experts believe that the right eye protection can lessen the severity or even prevent 90% of accidental eye injuries. This week, we will identify the common causes of workplace eye injuries. We will also identify the types of safety eyewear, establish the differences between lenses, and learn 10 ways you can prevent eye injuries at home and on the job.
Cyber Security: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 3
Every 14 seconds, businesses fall victim to cyber-attacks. These attacks access sensitive information, lead to money extortion, and interrupt normal business processes. A strong cyber security defense can help prevent these attacks. What is cyber security? Cyber security is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from cyber-attacks. At an individual level, a cyber-security attack can result in anything from identity theft to the loss of important data, like government documents or family photos. On the business side, everyone relies on critical infrastructure like power plants, hospitals, and financial service companies. In 2018, Erie County Medical Center became a victim of a cyber-attack. Systems shut down and making patient treatment very difficult until the attack was resolved. Systems shut down making patient treatment very difficult until the attack was resolved. Today, organizations spend around $500 million on cyber security each year because proper security is essential in keeping our society functioning. As individuals, cyber security is necessary for protecting our data and privacy. This week, we will identify the different types of cyber-security threats, explain the email phishing scams that are on the rise, talk about the benefits of using two-factor authentication, and discuss best practices for internet security.
Hands Safety: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 2
Daily tasks put your hands in direct contact with tools and equipment that can cause serious injury. Proper training is the key in preventing hand injuries from occurring. Each year, more than $700M goes towards hand and wrist injuries. Almost 200,000 hand injuries lead to lost work time. Up to 70% of these injuries result from a lack of hand protection. This means a majority of that money is spent on treating and settling workplace injuries that are easily avoidable through proper use of protective equipment. Before starting any task, ask yourself, “Do I know how to properly and safely operate this piece of equipment?” If the answer is no, reach out to a supervisor for help. Great safety involves safe working habits and common sense. Using the right tools and wearing protective equipment can help prevent injuries every day. This week we will discuss all things related to hand safety protection, including: preventing cuts and burns, best practices for hammers and tools, tips for tool selection, and the do’s and don’ts of hand safety.
Reporting At Risk Situations: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 1
In our day to day lives, we frequently take on tasks that put us directly in the line of danger. Whether from an at-risk situation or unsafe act, incidents can happen at any moment in time. While ignoring them is easier, reporting and correcting these situations ensures the safety of others who may encounter them in the future. The majority of the time, at-risk behaviors and situations have a low likelihood of resulting in injury. However, due to their high occurrence rate, they do have the potential to cause injury. The sooner these situations and behaviors are taken care of, the better. This week, we will discuss why it is so important to report at-risk situations, analyze different risk levels, and establish why intervention is necessary for improving workplace safety.
Pinch Point Hazards: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 4
The industrialization of our daily tasks causes frequent interaction between people and machines. One major risk of this interaction is pinch point hazards. In some cases, pinch points can lead to amputation or death. In 2015 alone, workplace accidents led to nearly 3,000 amputations. An injury like this is irreversible and often times, difficult to mentally cope with. This week, we will discuss how to recognize, protect against, and work around pinch points.
Hearing: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 3
Of our five senses, hearing is the easiest sense to lose. Noisy work can significantly damage your hearing if done without protective equipment or ear plugs. This damage is irreversible as no technology currently exists to restore hearing. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 10% of the workforce has difficulty hearing and one out of every four hearing difficulty cases is due to work exposures. These work related exposures are typically from loud noise but can also include chemicals that damage the inner ear. [1] This week, we’ll talk about how noise affects our hearing, how to measure dangerous noise levels, how hearing is tested, and how to protect your ears in different ways depending upon the situation.
Safety Talks: What You Need To Know
Safety is like house work; doing a little bit each day helps you maintain a safe and organized environment. Periodic safety talks are essential tools for achieving a positive workplace safety culture. Their presentation and the topics they cover are important in getting the safety message across. Safety should be the first thing someone thinks about when starting and ending a workday, but after a while, work becomes routine and safety is forgotten. This can lead to injury incidents and near misses. Safety talks help keep safety on the forefront of the mind and employees safe from harm.
Gloves: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 1
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is like a last-resort shield from injury hazards. However, PPE does not mean invincibility. While there are many different types of PPE for breathing or eyes, gloves are the only protection your hands get. Gloves may not completely prevent all hand lacerations but they do a good job in reducing severity. Different gloves have different purposes and protect against different hazards. This week we will discuss glove signage to ensure all employees are able to recognize the right protection against abrasions, cuts, chemicals, and heat.
Driving: Safety Topics - August 2019 - Week 3
What if someone on your team didn’t return to work on Monday because of a motor vehicle accident over the weekend? After a long week at work, you may want to go out with friends and family and enjoy yourself; however, weekends are the worst times for vehicle accidents. You are 30% more likely to be in a vehicle accident on Saturday than any other day of the week. While you may be driving safe and sober, you can’t guarantee that everyone on the road is too. Impaired driving is responsible for more than 10,000 motor-vehicle deaths in the U.S. every year. While you can’t control other drivers or driving conditions, you can do your part to ensure you’re being as safe as possible when in control of a vehicle.
Summer Time Safety: Safety Topics - August 2019 - Week 1
Summer is for good times, outside activities, and long evenings. With the warmth, sun, and holidays, staying focused on work is difficult and incident risk increases. As employees go on vacation and contractors or temporary workers are hired, there is more potential for incident occurrences. As the season comes to an end and associates come back to work, safety rules are often forgotten over break which leads to accidents.
Contractor Safety: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 5
Plants and contractors go hand in hand. Often times, operations are outsourced to contractors for efficiency, but can generate new risks which must be managed. A strong safety culture, good training, complete risk analysis, and periodical safety audits make contracting just as safe as the standard work process.
Summer Water Safety: Safety Topics - July 2019 - Week 4
Hot summers mean outdoor water activities with friends and family to cool off. While being outside in the water is fun and healthy, it’s very easy to neglect or forget about safety. This week we will discuss all things summer water safety. Whether you spend your summers swimming, boating, kayaking, or canoeing, this safety topic will cover it all!
Ergonomics: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 3
Ergonomics is unique to each person and work environment. The optimal ergonomic tool for one person may make no difference for another person. Ergonomics aims to optimize general processes, work conditions, and arrangements of objects in every work environment, while engineering a customized solution for each person that increases efficiency, improves work performance, and limits the risk of injury. This week we will discuss general workplace ergonomics, individual work-related injuries, and how they relate to each other.
Power Tools: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 2
The more we work with power tools, the more likely we are to take their power for granted. An injury-free safety culture means we should look out for our colleagues by reviewing best practices with power tools: electricity, power extension cords, battery powered tools and air powered tools.
Laceration Prevention: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 1
At EnPro Industries, laceration prevention is vital because cuts are the most common injuries at our division facilities so we must be vigilant both at work and at home. This week reviews the hazards we face in metal working and home improvement.
Prepare for 4th of July Celebrations: Safety Topics - June 2019 Week 4
The week of Independence Day (4th of July) in the United States is a time of year for celebrations with fireworks, cookouts and sports. This week's safety topics feature tips on how to participate in these safely by taking our workplace safety culture mindset with us.
Severe Summer Weather: Safety Topics - June 2019 Week 3
Severe summer weather can happen anywhere and at any time as long as the conditions are right. This week in safety topics we will talk about the hazards and staying safe during thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and flash flooding.
Active Shooter: Safety Topics - June 2019 Week 2
This week we want to think about and talk through an intruder active shooter scenario, and use this planning process to build up our safety culture and leadership. How your team reacts in any life-threatening incident – not just an active shooter scenario - can be the difference in life and death.
Summer Safety: Safety Topics - June 2019 Week 1
This week’s safety topics focus is staying safe while participating in our favorite summertime activities. Remember to watch out for signs of heat injuries.
Heat Injury Prevention: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 4
Beat the Heat – Prevention Last week we discussed the different levels of heat injuries, this week we will discuss how to protect ourselves from them.
Heat Stress Symptoms and Prevention: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 3
As the outside temperature rises our bodies have to work harder to cool themselves.  If we do not take care, we can end up with serious heat injuries!
Bicycle Safety: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 2
This week of May 13-17 is National Bike to Work Week, so this week’s Safety Topics will review some key aspects of bicycle safety, including proper use of safety equipment, the rules of the road, and fun ways to encourage others to get out and enjoying cycling safely.
Compressed Gas: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 1
This week, we’ll talk safe handling of compressed gas containers and safe use of compressed gas. If there’s a leak, inert gases can displace air in a large area, robbing us of breathing oxygen. Toxic gases can create poison atmospheres. Flammable gases can result in fire and exploding cylinders.
Hand and Power Tools: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 5
The dangers of hand and power tools are evident in the 400,000 U.S. emergency room visits they account for each year. A large majority of these emergency room visits is caused by misuse and carelessness. With proper use and effective safety programs, these incidents are significantly reduced. This week we’ll talk about some specific hand and power tools and their unique safety hazards to watch out for.
Learning Curves: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 4
When it comes to new challenges, most often we think about a change in our work tasks. That “learning curve” can be dangerous. We have to think harder about the task at hand, which may open us up to new safety hazards. This week we’ll remind ourselves, “If you do something new make sure to review.”
General Safety: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 3
Everyone wants their safety guaranteed when they go to work, but hazards and triggers pose a risk to workers all the time. Often we just need to remember the basics and keep them in the front of our minds. This week’s safety topics will help you remember the basics. Pretend it’s spring football.
Behavior: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 2
Accidents occur for many reasons: carelessness, lack of training, personal issues, or employee behavior. Employers have ultimate responsibility for safe workplaces, but we must do our part to prevent incidents. This week we’ll take a broad review of contributing factors so we don’t get complacent.
Spring: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 1
Springtime is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family, or start new home projects and renovations. At the same time there are unique safety hazards during this time of year. From plants and insects, to power tools and tornadoes, spring time can be dangerous. This week we’ll talk about what to watch out for to keep you and your family and friends safe while enjoying the fresh air.
Hand Protection: Safety Topics - March 2019 Week 4
Work-related hand injuries are one of the reasons workers end up in emergency rooms and miss work. Injuries such as burns, nerve damage, finger loss, or allergic reactions can impact your work quality and productivity. Or they could end your career and seriously damage your quality of life.
Safety Attitudes: Safety Topics - March 2019 Week 3
Notice how two different people put in the same amount of effort, but one person seems to be more successful? Attitude can make all the difference between success and failure. This week we’re focusing on Safety Attitudes that make the difference between preventing and causing workplace injuries.
Wellness: Safety Topics - March 2019 Week 2
Living a healthy life depends a lot on how we learn to manage both our work life and personal life. We spend about a third of our lives at work so making sure that work is a healthy experience is very important. This week, we’ll look at some wellness related topics that identify both illness and lifestyle scenarios that can impact our work life and how to mitigate them.
Carbon Monoxide: The Silent Killer
Unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning contributes to over 400 deaths each year in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Its odorless and colorless characteristics make a leak difficult to detect, allowing it go unnoticed and affect any people or animals exposed to it.
Safety Pitfalls: Safety Topics - March 2019 Week 1
Last week we delivered some helpful tools in creating an employee driven safety culture. An important thing to consider whenever implementing cultural tools is to make sure they’re fair, inclusive, consistent, and sustained. This week we’ll talk about some of the weaknesses that can diminish the effectiveness of a workplace safety culture.
Culture Tools: Safety Topics - February 2019 - Week 4
Leading indicators track preventative safety activities BEFORE an incident occurs. A proven way to prevent injuries is to choose leading indicators to drive increased safety engagement, instead of relying on corrective actions. Each day we'll cover a different leading indicator and its importance.
Injury Causes: Safety Topics - February 2019 - Week 3
Despite a downward trend the last 5 years, workplace injuries continue to take a toll on American families and individuals. The top causes we’ll discuss this week account for 80% of all U.S. workplace injuries regardless of industry. We'll review examples of each cause and how to prevent them.
C.A.R.E.S.: Safety Topics - February 2019 - Week 2
One of the tools in the SafetyFirst behavioral based safety (BBS) program is an acronym known as C.A.R.E.S. This module addresses the mental preparedness and engagement of safety consciousness. By practicing these 5 Habits of Excellence daily, unsafe behaviors can be dramatically reduced. C.A.R.E.S. prepares us for a safe work day through reminders of how to keep our minds on task and to develop personal awareness tools.
Safety Triggers: Safety Topics - February 2019 - Week 1
A ‘Trigger’ is something that sets in motion another action or event. A trigger can be a slogan or catch phrase that reinforces the value placed in certain preventative actions that reduce hazards. In recent years, there has been a shift away from chasing down compliance related issues, and towards focusing on creative safety management systems that emphasize proactive approaches. These proactive approaches include strengthening psychological awareness of hazard management. Who remembers the slogan “Click it or Ticket”? This was a public awareness campaign by law enforcement after the seat belt law was introduced to help people remember to buckle up. The same can be done for other safe practices. This week, we’ll review some trigger examples that EnPro has adapted and what they mean.
Industrial Hygiene: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 5
When looked at independently, these are two words that don’t seem to go together very well. But the term industrial hygiene is related to what’s also known as Occupational Health; the practice of managing the work place environment that affects the workers’ health and well-being. This branch of public health evaluates and controls hazards in the work place environment, such as chemicals, dust, and noise. This week’s safety briefings will review some of the most common components of a comprehensive industrial health program.
Inspections and Checklists: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 4
Inspections and checklists are at the core of a physical examination of the workplace and help us identify gaps, opportunities, and trends to help us run a safe and healthy business.
Winter Weather Storms: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 3
Winter Weather and Storm Preparations Although many locations have been immersed in wintry conditions by this time of year, for many others, January through February can bring about some of the worst storms. This is a good time to review the potential for disruptive and dangerous weather, and make preparations ahead of time for what to do once the storm arrives. This week we’ll focus on storm preparation and provide some tips for what to do during and after a storm. Being prepared and safe against weather or other disasters is a responsible mindset, and can really make a difference in how you and your family handle inclement conditions.
5S Workplace Safety: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 2
5S Lean Workplace for Injury Prevention Continuing with our “fresh start” approach to a New Year, January presents an opportunity to hit the reset button on workplace organization and cleanliness. It’s well documented that a Lean Manufacturing approach cannot even begin to function properly unless 5S is implemented. Sometimes we tend to relate 5-S to workplace processes and cleanliness but this week we will take a quick look at how each element of 5S has a relationship to workplace safety.
Top Injuries to Prevent: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 1
Top Injury Prevention Tips With a new year upon us, there's no better time than the present to reevaluate the safety of your workplace. Each year, tens of thousands of workers are seriously injured on the job. While some of the injuries are minor, others are more severe and long-lasting. Thankfully, many of these incidents can be prevented.
Chemical Inventory: Safety Topics - December 2018 - Week 4
Chemical Inventory Chemical inventory management is important for workplace safety, environmental protection, and emergency response so awareness of what chemicals are stored and used in our facilities, their hazards to our health and safety, and how to properly respond if there is a dangerous chemical spill or exposure is important.
Holiday Travel: Safety Topics - December 2018 - Week 3
Holiday Travel If your family is hitting the road this year to see friends and relatives during the holiday season, you’ll find these pre-travel holiday road trip tips helpful for making your trip safe and memorable. In this safety briefing, we’ll take a quick minute to remind you of the things you should check before heading out.
Holiday Tips: Safety Topics - December 2018 - Week 2
Holiday Safety The holidays are upon us. This is a crazy time of year with lots to do and little time. This week we will review some tips that can help keep you safe this winter holiday season!
Preventive Maintenance: Safety Topics - December 2018 - Week 1
Preventive Maintenance It’s easy to get distracted during the period between holidays. This week let’s focus on being aware of what might happen at work and at home, and take steps to prevent a potential incident and protect us from all of the things out there that may go wrong.
Cold and Flu: Safety Topics - November 2018 - Week 4
Cold and Flu Along with the holidays, this time of year brings the dreaded cold and flu season. This week’s briefing is focused on getting you prepared with some information specific to this year’s viruses, as well as tips and tricks for limiting the spread of germs and keeping ourselves happy and healthy during the upcoming winter months and holiday season!
Thankfulness: Safety Topics - November 2018 - Week 3
Thankfulness With Thanksgiving right around the corner, let’s take time this week to learn about and practice gratitude. Gratitude is shown as an appreciation towards another. Gratitude helps people recognize the goodness in their lives and connect with things beyond their individual self.
Office Areas: Safety Topics - November 2018 - Week 2
Office Areas Many workers think that the office environment is the safest workplace area. But, some of OSHA’s Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety violations can occur in an office environment. A safe office workplace requires hazard control, good housekeeping, and safe work practices. This week we'll talk about organizing the office to prevent falls, maintain storage, protect electrical equipment, and inspect the facility.
Kickoff Event Prep: Safety Topics - November 2018 - Week 1
Kickoff Event Prep At EnPro facilities around the globe, the first working day of the year beings with the Safety Kickoff Event. Instead of turning on the manufacturing equipment and getting to work, employees gather and spend time learning about safety and getting reengaged in safe work practices.
Autumn Safety: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 5
As we say goodbye to the summer sun and pull out our jackets, let’s remember the safety hazards associated with the autumn season. Along with pumpkin spice lattes, autumn brings weather changes and shorter daylight hours. Ensure you are ready to hit the roads and make it to your destination safely.
Biohazards: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 4
Biohazards Biological Hazards are defined differently in Canada and Europe than they are in the United States. In the U.S., Biological Hazards are defined as hazards coming from a living biological source. Snake venom would be an example. They are governed by the National Institute of for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). In Canada and Europe, Biological Hazards are not only biological sources, but also diseases, chemicals and toxins that can hurt a biological subject. The emphasis in “Biological” is on the subject not the source. This week, if you are in the U.S., pretend you live in Canada and Europe. Looking at safety from a different perspective improves safety awareness and helps you better protect your fellow colleagues and your family at home.
Mental Health: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 3
Mental Health Most of the time, mental health is forgotten. Your coworkers can be struggling and you may not even notice. It’s easy to pinpoint and work on a physical problem, but with mental health, many struggles are invisible and hard to discuss due to stigma. This week’s topic will dive into mental health and what you can do to ensure your colleagues have someone to turn to for help.
Confined Space: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 2
Confined Space As you can imagine, there are many different types of spaces that are considered confined spaces such as manholes, large storage tanks, hoppers, silos, vessels, railroad cars, pits, crawl spaces, and many more. This week we will discuss working safely in confined spaces.
Personal Wellness: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 1
Personal Wellness A healthy work-life balance depends on time management. We spend about a third of our lives at work so it’s important that work is a healthy environment. This week, we’ll look at some wellness related topics that identify both illness and lifestyle scenarios that can impact our work life and how to mitigate them.
Distractions: Safety Topics - September 2018 - Week 4
Distractions Some workplace distractions and interruptions are unavoidable but others, such as noise, personal electronic devices, multitasking, and even hunger – if not properly controlled or regulated – could lead to injuries, lost productivity, and a decrease in worker morale. This week we'll talk about workplace distractions and limiting their impact on our daily tasks in order to stay safe.
Pay It Forward: Safety Topics - September 2018 - Week 3
Pay it Forward Last week we discussed gratitude so now is a perfect time to set your wants and desires aside and focus on what you can do for others. This week we will learn more about the concept of paying it forward and how we can incorporate it into our daily lives.
Be Sure to Review - Safety Topics - September 2018, Week 2
When you do something new, be sure to review! Use a Job Safety Analysis (JSA), look for work area hazards, and follow up on corrective actions.
Slip, Trip, and Fall (part 2): Safety Topic - September 2018 - Week 1
Slip, Trip, and Fall (part 2) As stated before, slips, trips, and falls are the highest reported workplace injuries. Because of this, we want to provide you with a few more tips to help you avoid these injuries!
Job Safety Analysis: Safety Topics - August 2018 - Week 5
Job Safety Analysis A Job Safety Analysis, or JSA for short, is a method to systematically identify and evaluate hazards associated with a particular job or task. This week we will discuss JSA's and how they can benefit your workplace.
Complacency and Fatigue: Safety Topics - August 2018 - Week 4
Complacency and Fatigue Disconnecting from the task at hand can often be dangerous and create hazards. Hazards can be both physical and mental causes of serious injury. Pressure to perform well, frustration in your personal life, and fatigue are some of the most common mental causes of physical harm. This week we will focus on decreasing mental hazards by identifying their most common forms and offering easy solutions for slowing down and staying on track at work and at home.
Ergonomics: Safety Topics - August 2018 - Week 3
Ergonomics This week we'll talk about ergonomics and the risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD). We'll also talk about identifying and preventing injuries, good rest period ideas, and our own experiences with ergonomics.
Wildfires, Smoke, and Heat: Safety Topic - August 2018 - Week 1
Wildfires, Smoke, and Heat Heat related illnesses are most common during summer when temperatures can reach over 100 °F in some parts of the United States. Preventative measures can be taken and sometimes the simplest solutions are the most difficult to incorporate into our daily lives. This week, we will identify the most common heat illnesses and address some of the easiest ways to avoid them. High temperatures increase the likelihood of wildfires. Smoke can induce respiratory problems and can affect people miles away from the actual fires, not just first responders or residents of the area. This webinar will discuss symptoms of these problems and the degree of risk as well as several preventative measures to reduce the chance of smoke exposure.
Personal Protective Equipment: Safety Topics - July 2018 - Week 4
Personal Protective Equipment is a last resort for injury prevention but what we have the most direct control over. This week we’ll talk about 5 categories of PPE: Respiratory, Eye & Face, Hearing, Foot and Hand. When you’re familiar with PPE, you’re more likely to help others remember to use it.
Safety and Ethics: Safety Topics - July 2018 - Week 3
Safety and Ethics Safety and ethics are words that you may hear often but how do they relate? In a very basic form, ethics are a set of moral values focusing on the principles of right and wrong. Workplace safety relies on each employee engaging their ‘Safety Ethics’ every time they face choices where the decision is not clear. This week we will focus on safety and ethics in the workplace.
Mid-Year Review: Safety Topics - July 2018 - Week 2
Mid Year Safety Review This week’s safety topic will review tips related to the injuries and near misses that happen most often in our workplace. They are incidents that we easily overlook when we’re busy or tired. In our efforts to eliminate all injuries from our workplace, focusing on preventing “minor” incidents will prevent “major” incidents from happening. Remember, injuries affect everyone.
Fireworks and Barbeques: Safety Topics - July 2018 - Week 1
Fireworks and Barbeques With Independence Day just around the corner, we are all looking forward to our backyard barbeques and annual firework shows. Everyone enjoys a great celebration of lights and festivities so it’s easy to forget that fireworks actually are explosives. This week we will discuss how you can stay safe during all your Independence Day activities.
Water Activities: Safety Topics - June 2018 - Week 4
Water Activities During the summer, it’s fun to go fishing, water skiing, and play in the water; however, not knowing how to respond in an emergency situation is not. This week's ELS Safety Topics are focused on water activities, boating prep, floatation devices, and emergency response.
Fire Extinguishers: Safety Topics - June 2018 - Week 3
Knowing how to properly use a fire extinguisher is essential in fighting fires. This week we'll cover fire extinguisher safety so you can prepared if a need arises!
Heat Exhaustion: Safety Topics - June 2018 - Week 2
Now that summer is here we can get outside and enjoy the sunshine; however, with the warmth of summer comes the risk of heat stress. This week’s topic is a review of heat stress and the measures you can take to stay safe.
Hydration: Safety Topics - June 2018 - Week 1
Why does hydration matter? How much water to you need in a day? What does dehydration do to your body? This week we will cover these topics and more!
Concussions: Safety Topics - May 2018 - Week 4
Concussions A concussion is a type of trauma to the brain that is caused by a jolt, blow, or bump that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth. This motion of movement can cause chemical changes in the brain and brain cells. Although most concussions are not life-threatening, their effects can be serious. This week we'll discuss concussions and all things related to head injuries.
Ticks and Lyme Disease: Safety Topics - May 2018 - Week 3
If you’ve ever worked with cattle or spent time on a farm, you might have noticed ticks on some of the animals. Ticks are very common to unvaccinated animals and can spread disease. This week’s safety topic is a reminded to watch yourself when working outdoors and with animals to prevent the spread of ticks and disease!
Motorcycle Safety: Safety Topics - May 2018 - Week 2
Riding a motorcycle is always a high risk activity so safety first must be present in every ride. The risk of collision is greater than driving a car or pedaling a bicycle, and injuries may be more severe. This week we’ll focus on smart motorcycle safety.
Driving Safely: Safety Topics - May 2018 - Week 1
Driving safely is important! Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents today. Stay safe on the road with these tips!
Batteries Recycling: Safety Topics - April 2018 Week 4
Rechargeable batteries are great for conservation, but must be recycled properly when they are drained. If lithium batteries end up in landfills used for household wastes, they can contaminate the soil and groundwater. Learn about batteries that should be properly disposed of at special collection centers and not in your trash can.
LOTO (Lock Out / Tag Out): Safety Topics - April 2018 - Week 2
Lock Out / Tag Out This week’s discussion is on compliance with OSHA Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) requirements. LOTO is the process to control hazardous energy during the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment.
Influencing Safe Habits: Safety Topic - April 2018 - Week 1
This week we’re revisiting our safe habits that we developed through our SafetyFirst program. SafetyFirst focuses on recognizing and changing our personal behaviors that put us at higher risk for injury. Sometimes we’re distracted by our attitudes, not anticipating potential hazards, dealing with extra anxiety and stress, or angry about something we can’t control. This week we’ll review how these 4 internal factors affect our behaviors and can put us and others in harm’s way...
Mindfulness: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 5
Although the goal is to create safe habits, we have to remember to be mindful. We have to make sure that we are aware of the things going on around us. That sounds simple - we'll find out this week!
Strains and Sprains: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 4
Strains and Sprains According to, the two are very much the same in symptoms but a “sprain is the over stretching or tearing of ligaments, while a strain is the tearing of muscles and tendons”.
Electrical Issues: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 2
Electrical Issues There are a few key rules to working safely with electrical equipment and these rules must be understood and always followed to ensure that we do not put ourselves and others in harms’ way.
Ladders: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 1
Ladders Ladders can pose serious hazards. Take caution and stay safe with these tips!
Slip, Trip, and Fall (part 1): Safety Topic - February 2018 - Week 4
Slips, Trip, and Fall (Part 1) Slips, trips, and falls are some of the highest reported workplace injuries; therefore, it is important that we make sure to take action on preventing these types of injuries.
Heart Awareness: Safety Topic - February 2018 - Week 3
Heart Awareness Just in time for Valentine’s Day, February is Heart Health month! Let’s take a moment to talk about the top causes of heart problems and stroke. Activity level, diet, smoking, obesity, stress, and family health history all contribute to heart health. Making small lifestyle changes can mean the difference between a healthy and unhealthy heart.
Emotional Intelligence: Safety Topics - February 2018 - Week 2
If we are not aware of our emotions and the emotions of others, it can be very difficult to recognize when someone needs support or to ask for help when we need it. Do you check in with yourself throughout the day? If part of our safety ethic is to be committed to act safely and to invest in the safety of others, our effectiveness is often lost with that lost connection.
Leading Causes of Injuries: Safety Topics - February 2018 - Week 1
According to the National Safety Council, there were 169,936 preventable deaths in 2017. Despite a downward trend over the last 5 years, workplace injuries continue to take a toll. The top causes we will talk about this week account for up to 80% of all workplace injuries in the U.S. and will review some examples of each cause and how to prevent them.
Winter Blues: Safety Topics - January 2018 - Week 4
Winter Blues Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a depression that runs in cycles and usually occurs around this time of year. Due to the weather, we are stuck indoors with really low amounts of sunlight. With this we may experience mood swings, a lack of energy, weight gain, and depression; however, there are ways to help prevent these feelings.
First Aid Emergency Response: Safety Topics - January 2018 - Week 2
First Aid Emergency Response Major disasters do not happen often in the workplace; however, the way we handle the occasional first-aid incidents can determine how well we respond in a life-threatening emergency. This week is a great time to prepare for injuries and incidents and learn how to respond to them quickly and correctly. When disaster strikes, our "practice" can make the difference in whether someone lives or dies.