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Lathe Safety: Safety Topics - May 2020 - Week 1
Even during a global pandemic, many of us are still working and doing so in the safest manner possible. It is important to stay safe and healthy now more than ever. Many machinist jobs are considered essential because the operations they perform play a vital role in the overall operations of a business. A lathe is a vital piece of equipment for many machinists and if not operated properly, a lathe has the potential to cause serious injury or even death. This week we will discuss risk assessments, the recommended guarding and tooling guidelines, proper PPE and safety attire, and the training required to safely operate a lathe.
Lathe Safety: Safety Topics - May 2020 - Week 1
Even during a global pandemic, many of us are still working and doing so in the safest manner possible. It is important to stay safe and healthy now more than ever. Many machinist jobs are considered essential because the operations they perform play a vital role in the overall operations of a business. A lathe is a vital piece of equipment for many machinists and if not operated properly, a lathe has the potential to cause serious injury or even death. This week we will discuss risk assessments, the recommended guarding and tooling guidelines, proper PPE and safety attire, and the training required to safely operate a lathe.
Spring Safety: Weekly Safety Topics - March 2020 - Week 2
Spring time is almost here which means sunshine and warmer temperatures. However, along with all the fun, spring brings in its own share of hazards. Spring is a great for time outdoors and getting active but taking an extra minute to consider safety can prevent accidents and injury. This week we will discuss common spring time activities, safety hazards and preventative measures.
Cell Phone Safety: Weekly Safety Topics - February 2020 - Week 4
Cell phones are critical tools that allow employees to communicate and share digital information. However, cell phones are also a source of distraction that can create potential hazards within the workplace. This week we will discuss how inappropriate cell phone usage can create or increase hazards and ways to responsibly manage cell phone usage to improve workplace safety.
OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 4
Accurate OSHA recordkeeping and prompt injury reporting helps EHS professionals and operations managers evaluate workplace safety, understand the hazards, and protect workers by reducing or eliminating future workplace injuries or illnesses. This week we will discuss an overview of OSHA recordkeeping and reporting requirements along with some important definitions.
Cranes and Hoists Safety: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 3
Nothing is more frightening to a crane operator than a crane becoming unbalanced or collapsing due to excessive weight load. In an average year, injuries related to cranes and hoists account for approximately 1,000 lost-time work hours. Employees working with this type of equipment are exposed to great hazards which require taking extra safety precautions. This week, we will discuss the safety rules for operating cranes, moving loads, and parking loaded cranes. We will also discuss how to properly inspect overhead cranes, hoists, and wire ropes used on hoists.
First Aid and Wound Care: Safety Topics - January 2020 - Week 2
Many times, the smallest things can have serious impacts on our health. Something as simple as a cut, scrape, abrasion, or puncture has the potential to let in germs and lead to infection. If left untreated, infections can spread to other parts of the body and cause complications. This week we will provide you with tips on caring for your wounds, how you can decrease the chance of an infection, and what to do if a wound becomes infected.
Holiday Safety: Safety Topics - December 2019 - Week 4
Winter holidays are right around the corner which means a nice break with friends and family is coming up! However, with the holidays come stress, distractions, and safety concerns. During the holidays, we are distracted more than usual with festive activities such as planning dinners, purchasing gifts, hosting out-of-town family, and holiday road trips. With that being said, the holidays also can bring on additional stress that pose health and safety risks as well. This week we will give some pointers on how to manage holiday stress and will remind everyone about decoration and ladder safety tips. We will also discuss how to prepare for wintry driving conditions and parking lot safety while traveling or shopping.
Hazards Communication: Safety Topics - December 2019 - Week 3
Do you know why hazard communications is commonly referred to as “GHS”? OSHA revised their Hazard Communication Standard to align with the international “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals”, commonly referred to as “GHS”. Because of this, manufactures and distributers of hazardous chemicals changed the way they categorized the hazards of their products. Additionally, they changed the container labels and Safety Data Sheets relating to these hazardous chemicals. This week we will discuss the OSHA requirements of GHS labeling, what information is required on Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and provide a breakdown of what each GHS pictogram stands for.
Workplace Violence: Safety Topics - December 2019 - Week 2
Did you know that assaults are the fourth leading cause of workplace deaths? According to the National Safety Council, there were more than 18,000 injuries and 450 fatalities that occurred in 2017 alone as a result of workplace violence. Workplace violence can happen at any time. Knowing the behaviors and warning signs that indicate potential violence is necessary in order to stay safe. This week we will discuss the causes of workplace violence, what warning signs to look for, and how to report unusual behavior. Additionally, we will discuss emergency preparedness in the case of an active shooter.
Slips, Trips, and Falls: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 4
Slips, trips, and falls have appeared on OSHA’s number one most frequently cited standard for the past eight years. In 2018, OSHA cited 7,270 violations for general fall protection requirements and 1,982 fall protection training requirements. For the National Safety Council, falls top the list for leading causes of preventable injury related deaths. This week we will discuss slips, trips, and falls and how to prevent them in home and work settings. We will also discuss same level safety tips and winter precautions for slips, trips, and falls.
Sleep Deprivation: Tiredness vs. Fatigue: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 3
Sleep is necessary for your body and mind to recover so you can tackle each day at your full potential. Too little sleep puts you at risk for accidents and careless mistakes on the job and at home. This week we will discuss the adverse effects of fatigue and mitigating fatigue in the workplace, as well as identifying and managing it the second it hits.
Lockout/Tagout: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 2
Lockout/Tagout is a safety procedure that ensures power to dangerous machines is properly shut off, so that the machine will not start up again prior to maintenance or repair work completion. Anyone who operates, cleans, services, adjusts, and repairs machinery or equipment should know of the associated hazards. Any powered machinery or electrical equipment that can put people in danger is a safety hazard that lockout/tagout can prevent. Failure to lock or tag power sources on equipment can result in electrocutions, amputations, and other serious and potentially fatal injuries. This week, we will identify the importance of preparing for lockout/tagout, the most common causes of lockout/tagout failures, and some methods to prevent injury incidents from moving machinery. We will also discuss 7 steps for proper power shutdown and shutdown verification, as well as 3 steps for safe restart.
Safe Handling and Lifting: Safety Topics - November 2019 - Week 1
Lifting and carrying are jobs that require special care and training to prevent back injuries. Whether lifting at home or on the job, make an effort to do it safely. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that back injuries account for nearly 20% of all workplace related injuries. In fact, back injuries are the second most common injuries here at EnPro. A back injury can leave you with chronic pain and hefty medical bill, so it’s important to practice safe material handling. This week, we will discuss proper lifting techniques, awkward postures, proper housekeeping, high-frequency and long-duration labor, and quick and easy warm ups you can do to get you ready for the workday.
Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is a fun night for people of all ages. Decorations, costumes, and candy…what’s not to love? Maybe it’s the car wrecks and house fires! Halloween may have unique safety concerns, but unique does not mean unpreventable. Let’s keep our friends and family safe this Halloween by driving, decorating, and celebrating safely.
Eye Safety: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 4
Eye injuries in the workplace are very common. More than 2,000 eye injuries occur at work each day and about 40% of these take place in the construction, manufacturing, and mining industries. About 1 in 10 injuries result in missed workdays. Of the total amount of work-related injuries, 10-20% cause temporary or permanent vision loss. In addition, eye injuries suffered at work cost more than $300 million per year in lost productivity, treatment, and compensation. Experts believe that the right eye protection can lessen the severity or even prevent 90% of accidental eye injuries. This week, we will identify the common causes of workplace eye injuries. We will also identify the types of safety eyewear, establish the differences between lenses, and learn 10 ways you can prevent eye injuries at home and on the job.
Hands Safety: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 2
Daily tasks put your hands in direct contact with tools and equipment that can cause serious injury. Proper training is the key in preventing hand injuries from occurring. Each year, more than $700M goes towards hand and wrist injuries. Almost 200,000 hand injuries lead to lost work time. Up to 70% of these injuries result from a lack of hand protection. This means a majority of that money is spent on treating and settling workplace injuries that are easily avoidable through proper use of protective equipment. Before starting any task, ask yourself, “Do I know how to properly and safely operate this piece of equipment?” If the answer is no, reach out to a supervisor for help. Great safety involves safe working habits and common sense. Using the right tools and wearing protective equipment can help prevent injuries every day. This week we will discuss all things related to hand safety protection, including: preventing cuts and burns, best practices for hammers and tools, tips for tool selection, and the do’s and don’ts of hand safety.
Reporting At Risk Situations: Safety Topics - October 2019 - Week 1
In our day to day lives, we frequently take on tasks that put us directly in the line of danger. Whether from an at-risk situation or unsafe act, incidents can happen at any moment in time. While ignoring them is easier, reporting and correcting these situations ensures the safety of others who may encounter them in the future. The majority of the time, at-risk behaviors and situations have a low likelihood of resulting in injury. However, due to their high occurrence rate, they do have the potential to cause injury. The sooner these situations and behaviors are taken care of, the better. This week, we will discuss why it is so important to report at-risk situations, analyze different risk levels, and establish why intervention is necessary for improving workplace safety.
Pinch Point Hazards: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 4
The industrialization of our daily tasks causes frequent interaction between people and machines. One major risk of this interaction is pinch point hazards. In some cases, pinch points can lead to amputation or death. In 2015 alone, workplace accidents led to nearly 3,000 amputations. An injury like this is irreversible and often times, difficult to mentally cope with. This week, we will discuss how to recognize, protect against, and work around pinch points.
Hearing: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 3
Of our five senses, hearing is the easiest sense to lose. Noisy work can significantly damage your hearing if done without protective equipment or ear plugs. This damage is irreversible as no technology currently exists to restore hearing. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 10% of the workforce has difficulty hearing and one out of every four hearing difficulty cases is due to work exposures. These work related exposures are typically from loud noise but can also include chemicals that damage the inner ear. [1] This week, we’ll talk about how noise affects our hearing, how to measure dangerous noise levels, how hearing is tested, and how to protect your ears in different ways depending upon the situation.
Safety Talks: What You Need To Know
Safety is like house work; doing a little bit each day helps you maintain a safe and organized environment. Periodic safety talks are essential tools for achieving a positive workplace safety culture. Their presentation and the topics they cover are important in getting the safety message across. Safety should be the first thing someone thinks about when starting and ending a workday, but after a while, work becomes routine and safety is forgotten. This can lead to injury incidents and near misses. Safety talks help keep safety on the forefront of the mind and employees safe from harm.
Ladders and Fall Protection: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 2
When we think of ladder safety and fall protection, we usually associate them with construction, but ladder safety and fall protection are just as important for maintenance, repairs, and everyday home improvement tasks. A fall from any height can result in a concussion, traumatic brain injury, and in some cases, death. Ladder accidents are common at home and in the workplace and the majority of ladder deaths are from falls 10 feet or less. In 2011, ladder falls caused 113 fatalities in the workplace alone. This week we will discuss three commonly used ladder types, how to safely use them, and safe storing and handling techniques that you can easily implement to your usage.
Hidden Dangers of Home Renovations: Silica, Asbestos, and Respiratory Protection
Physical hazards are generally taken seriously, but when hazards are invisible and their effects are delayed, they go unnoticed. Despite its importance, respiratory protection during home improvement projects is often times neglected, unlike hearing, sight, and body protection. You need your lungs to breathe just as much as you need your eyes to see and ears to hear, so why isn’t respiratory protection used as frequently?
Gloves: Safety Topics - September 2019 - Week 1
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is like a last-resort shield from injury hazards. However, PPE does not mean invincibility. While there are many different types of PPE for breathing or eyes, gloves are the only protection your hands get. Gloves may not completely prevent all hand lacerations but they do a good job in reducing severity. Different gloves have different purposes and protect against different hazards. This week we will discuss glove signage to ensure all employees are able to recognize the right protection against abrasions, cuts, chemicals, and heat.
Forklift: Safety Topics - August 2019 - Week 2
Forklifts are necessary in many processes for helping humans handle heavy loads. Accumulation of traffic and loading hazards generates dangerous risks. This week, we will review risks, training importance, forklift operation and safety checks, and the importance behind reporting and fixing crossroad risks.
Contractor Safety: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 5
Plants and contractors go hand in hand. Often times, operations are outsourced to contractors for efficiency, but can generate new risks which must be managed. A strong safety culture, good training, complete risk analysis, and periodical safety audits make contracting just as safe as the standard work process.
Ergonomics: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 3
Ergonomics is unique to each person and work environment. The optimal ergonomic tool for one person may make no difference for another person. Ergonomics aims to optimize general processes, work conditions, and arrangements of objects in every work environment, while engineering a customized solution for each person that increases efficiency, improves work performance, and limits the risk of injury. This week we will discuss general workplace ergonomics, individual work-related injuries, and how they relate to each other.
Power Tools: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 2
The more we work with power tools, the more likely we are to take their power for granted. An injury-free safety culture means we should look out for our colleagues by reviewing best practices with power tools: electricity, power extension cords, battery powered tools and air powered tools.
Laceration Prevention: Safety Topics - July 2019, Week 1
At EnPro Industries, laceration prevention is vital because cuts are the most common injuries at our division facilities so we must be vigilant both at work and at home. This week reviews the hazards we face in metal working and home improvement.
Prepare for 4th of July Celebrations: Safety Topics - June 2019 Week 4
The week of Independence Day (4th of July) in the United States is a time of year for celebrations with fireworks, cookouts and sports. This week's safety topics feature tips on how to participate in these safely by taking our workplace safety culture mindset with us.
Heat Injury Prevention: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 4
Beat the Heat – Prevention Last week we discussed the different levels of heat injuries, this week we will discuss how to protect ourselves from them.
Heat Stress Symptoms and Prevention: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 3
As the outside temperature rises our bodies have to work harder to cool themselves.  If we do not take care, we can end up with serious heat injuries!
Hand and Power Tools: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 5
The dangers of hand and power tools are evident in the 400,000 U.S. emergency room visits they account for each year. A large majority of these emergency room visits is caused by misuse and carelessness. With proper use and effective safety programs, these incidents are significantly reduced. This week we’ll talk about some specific hand and power tools and their unique safety hazards to watch out for.
Behavior: Safety Topics - April 2019 Week 2
Accidents occur for many reasons: carelessness, lack of training, personal issues, or employee behavior. Employers have ultimate responsibility for safe workplaces, but we must do our part to prevent incidents. This week we’ll take a broad review of contributing factors so we don’t get complacent.
Hand Protection: Safety Topics - March 2019 Week 4
Work-related hand injuries are one of the reasons workers end up in emergency rooms and miss work. Injuries such as burns, nerve damage, finger loss, or allergic reactions can impact your work quality and productivity. Or they could end your career and seriously damage your quality of life.
Injury Causes: Safety Topics - February 2019 - Week 3
Despite a downward trend the last 5 years, workplace injuries continue to take a toll on American families and individuals. The top causes we’ll discuss this week account for 80% of all U.S. workplace injuries regardless of industry. We'll review examples of each cause and how to prevent them.
Industrial Hygiene: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 5
When looked at independently, these are two words that don’t seem to go together very well. But the term industrial hygiene is related to what’s also known as Occupational Health; the practice of managing the work place environment that affects the workers’ health and well-being. This branch of public health evaluates and controls hazards in the work place environment, such as chemicals, dust, and noise. This week’s safety briefings will review some of the most common components of a comprehensive industrial health program.
Top Injuries to Prevent: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 1
Top Injury Prevention Tips With a new year upon us, there's no better time than the present to reevaluate the safety of your workplace. Each year, tens of thousands of workers are seriously injured on the job. While some of the injuries are minor, others are more severe and long-lasting. Thankfully, many of these incidents can be prevented.
Preventive Maintenance: Safety Topics - December 2018 - Week 1
Preventive Maintenance It’s easy to get distracted during the period between holidays. This week let’s focus on being aware of what might happen at work and at home, and take steps to prevent a potential incident and protect us from all of the things out there that may go wrong.
Office Areas: Safety Topics - November 2018 - Week 2
Office Areas Many workers think that the office environment is the safest workplace area. But, some of OSHA’s Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety violations can occur in an office environment. A safe office workplace requires hazard control, good housekeeping, and safe work practices. This week we'll talk about organizing the office to prevent falls, maintain storage, protect electrical equipment, and inspect the facility.
Confined Space: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 2
Confined Space As you can imagine, there are many different types of spaces that are considered confined spaces such as manholes, large storage tanks, hoppers, silos, vessels, railroad cars, pits, crawl spaces, and many more. This week we will discuss working safely in confined spaces.
Distractions: Safety Topics - September 2018 - Week 4
Distractions Some workplace distractions and interruptions are unavoidable but others, such as noise, personal electronic devices, multitasking, and even hunger – if not properly controlled or regulated – could lead to injuries, lost productivity, and a decrease in worker morale. This week we'll talk about workplace distractions and limiting their impact on our daily tasks in order to stay safe.
Slip, Trip, and Fall (part 2): Safety Topic - September 2018 - Week 1
Slip, Trip, and Fall (part 2) As stated before, slips, trips, and falls are the highest reported workplace injuries. Because of this, we want to provide you with a few more tips to help you avoid these injuries!
Complacency and Fatigue: Safety Topics - August 2018 - Week 4
Complacency and Fatigue Disconnecting from the task at hand can often be dangerous and create hazards. Hazards can be both physical and mental causes of serious injury. Pressure to perform well, frustration in your personal life, and fatigue are some of the most common mental causes of physical harm. This week we will focus on decreasing mental hazards by identifying their most common forms and offering easy solutions for slowing down and staying on track at work and at home.
Ergonomics: Safety Topics - August 2018 - Week 3
Ergonomics This week we'll talk about ergonomics and the risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD). We'll also talk about identifying and preventing injuries, good rest period ideas, and our own experiences with ergonomics.
Wildfires, Smoke, and Heat: Safety Topic - August 2018 - Week 1
Wildfires, Smoke, and Heat Heat related illnesses are most common during summer when temperatures can reach over 100 °F in some parts of the United States. Preventative measures can be taken and sometimes the simplest solutions are the most difficult to incorporate into our daily lives. This week, we will identify the most common heat illnesses and address some of the easiest ways to avoid them. High temperatures increase the likelihood of wildfires. Smoke can induce respiratory problems and can affect people miles away from the actual fires, not just first responders or residents of the area. This webinar will discuss symptoms of these problems and the degree of risk as well as several preventative measures to reduce the chance of smoke exposure.
Personal Protective Equipment: Safety Topics - July 2018 - Week 4
Personal Protective Equipment is a last resort for injury prevention but what we have the most direct control over. This week we’ll talk about 5 categories of PPE: Respiratory, Eye & Face, Hearing, Foot and Hand. When you’re familiar with PPE, you’re more likely to help others remember to use it.
Fire Extinguishers: Safety Topics - June 2018 - Week 3
Knowing how to properly use a fire extinguisher is essential in fighting fires. This week we'll cover fire extinguisher safety so you can prepared if a need arises!
Motorcycle Safety: Safety Topics - May 2018 - Week 2
Riding a motorcycle is always a high risk activity so safety first must be present in every ride. The risk of collision is greater than driving a car or pedaling a bicycle, and injuries may be more severe. This week we’ll focus on smart motorcycle safety.
Driving Safely: Safety Topics - May 2018 - Week 1
Driving safely is important! Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents today. Stay safe on the road with these tips!
Strains and Sprains: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 4
Strains and Sprains According to, the two are very much the same in symptoms but a “sprain is the over stretching or tearing of ligaments, while a strain is the tearing of muscles and tendons”.
Bloodborne Pathogens: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 3
This week we are going to talk about Bloodborne pathogens: what they are, how they are transmitted, risks they pose and ways to ensure you are thoroughly protected against transmission.
Ladders: Safety Topics - March 2018 - Week 1
Ladders Ladders can pose serious hazards. Take caution and stay safe with these tips!
Slip, Trip, and Fall (part 1): Safety Topic - February 2018 - Week 4
Slips, Trip, and Fall (Part 1) Slips, trips, and falls are some of the highest reported workplace injuries; therefore, it is important that we make sure to take action on preventing these types of injuries.
Leading Causes of Injuries: Safety Topics - February 2018 - Week 1
According to the National Safety Council, there were 169,936 preventable deaths in 2017. Despite a downward trend over the last 5 years, workplace injuries continue to take a toll. The top causes we will talk about this week account for up to 80% of all workplace injuries in the U.S. and will review some examples of each cause and how to prevent them.
Wound Care: Safety Topics - January 2018 - Week 3
Sometimes the little things hurt our health the most. Any cut, scrape, abrasion or puncture in our skin could let in germs. A wound bacterial infection can be hard to treat and require a hospital stay, lead to amputation, or cause death. Know signs of an infection and do all you can to prevent one.