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Compressed Gas: Safety Topics - May 2019 Week 1
This week, we’ll talk safe handling of compressed gas containers and safe use of compressed gas. If there’s a leak, inert gases can displace air in a large area, robbing us of breathing oxygen. Toxic gases can create poison atmospheres. Flammable gases can result in fire and exploding cylinders.
Industrial Hygiene: Safety Topics - January 2019 - Week 5
When looked at independently, these are two words that don’t seem to go together very well. But the term industrial hygiene is related to what’s also known as Occupational Health; the practice of managing the work place environment that affects the workers’ health and well-being. This branch of public health evaluates and controls hazards in the work place environment, such as chemicals, dust, and noise. This week’s safety briefings will review some of the most common components of a comprehensive industrial health program.
Chemical Inventory: Safety Topics - December 2018 - Week 4
Chemical Inventory Chemical inventory management is important for workplace safety, environmental protection, and emergency response so awareness of what chemicals are stored and used in our facilities, their hazards to our health and safety, and how to properly respond if there is a dangerous chemical spill or exposure is important.
Biohazards: Safety Topics - October 2018 - Week 4
Biohazards Biological Hazards are defined differently in Canada and Europe than they are in the United States. In the U.S., Biological Hazards are defined as hazards coming from a living biological source. Snake venom would be an example. They are governed by the National Institute of for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). In Canada and Europe, Biological Hazards are not only biological sources, but also diseases, chemicals and toxins that can hurt a biological subject. The emphasis in “Biological” is on the subject not the source. This week, if you are in the U.S., pretend you live in Canada and Europe. Looking at safety from a different perspective improves safety awareness and helps you better protect your fellow colleagues and your family at home.
Leading Causes of Injuries: Safety Topics - February 2018 - Week 1
According to the National Safety Council, there were 169,936 preventable deaths in 2017. Despite a downward trend over the last 5 years, workplace injuries continue to take a toll. The top causes we will talk about this week account for up to 80% of all workplace injuries in the U.S. and will review some examples of each cause and how to prevent them.