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Laser Safety: Safety Briefing - February 14, 2022
The application of lasers in many different types of industries has boomed over the last few years. As with any new addition to the workplace, safety should be considered first and foremost. With the proper procedures and safety measures in place, lasers can create excellent innovations to improve all aspects of the job including safety if implemented correctly. This we will look at the hazards associated with laser use, how lasers are classified, and what control measures should be implemented to keep employees safe.
Laser Safety: Safety Topics - February 2021 - week 1
The application of lasers in many different types of industries has boomed over the last few years. As with any new addition to the workplace, safety should be considered first and foremost. With the proper procedures and safety measures in place, lasers can create excellent innovations to improve all aspects of the job including safety if implemented correctly. This week we will look at the hazards associated with laser use, how lasers are classified, and what control measures should be implemented to keep employees safe.