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Summer Heat Safety: Safety Topic - June 17, 2024
Summer has arrived and it’s heating up out there! It’s time to start thinking about how to keep your employees and co-workers safe in their work environment with temperatures increasing. Summer comes every year yet somehow it seems to arrive before we are ready. This week we will discuss heat related illness, tips for hot weather safety and have an open discussion about ways you can prepare in the workplace.
Heat Related Illnesses: Safety Topic - August 27, 2023
With temperatures in some areas soaring into the triple digits, we can’t let our guard down when it comes to heat related illnesses. This week’s talk is a review of heat stress and ways to stay safe both at work and at home.
Heat Exhaustion: Safety Brief - August 1, 2022
With record setting heatwaves across the country it is important that we are on the lookout for the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion. This week’s talk is a review of heat stress and ways to stay safe both at work and at home. There are many activities and conditions that can pose heat stress risks: when the temperature outside starts to soar, during strenuous physical activity and when you work around radiant heat sources. When your body is at risk of a heat induced illness, it will tell you. Heat stress symptoms are visible; you just need to know what conditions to watch out for. Over the next few days we will learn about heat exhaustion, heat stroke and other heat related conditions to out look for.
Heat Safety: Safety Brief - June 20, 2022
Summer has arrived and it’s heating up out there! It’s time to start thinking about how to keep your employees and co-workers safe in their work environment with temperatures increasing. Summer comes every year yet somehow it seems to arrive before we are ready. This week we will discuss heat related illness, tips for hot weather safety and have an open discussion about ways you can prepare in the workplace.
Heat Exhaustion: Safety Topics - June 2021 - Week 2
Summer is upon us. With more outdoor activities, as we enjoy the sunshine and warm weather, also comes the risk of heat stress. This week’s talk is a review of heat stress and ways to stay safe both at work and at home. There are many activities and conditions that can pose heat stress risks: when the temperature outside starts to soar, during strenuous physical activity and when you work around radiant heat sources. When your body is at risk of a heat induced illness, it will tell you. Heat stress symptoms are visible; you just need to know what conditions to watch out for. Over the next few days we will learn about heat exhaustion, heat stroke and other heat related conditions to out look for.
Heat Safety: Safety Topics - June 2020 - Week 2
Summer has arrived and it’s heating up out there! It’s time to start thinking about how to keep your employees and co-workers safe in their work environment with temperatures increasing. Summer comes every year yet somehow it seems to arrive before we are ready. This week we will discuss heat related illness, tips for hot weather safety and have an open discussion about ways you can prepare in the workplace. Amidst the turmoil of 2020, we can’t neglect the basics in keeping each other safe.