Safety Communication Centers: The Workplace Accident Tracking Poster


EnPro has over 60 locations around the world. Our EHS professionals use our workplace injury tracking SafetyFirst® heat maps each day at our safety communication centers.  Also, these centers are set up to communicate all safety information including injuries, near miss/safety opportunities, and other safety related information to all employees. The  SafetyFirst®  heat map encourages: eye safety, PPE safety poster, hard hat safety and boot safety. This can be used in any environment or industry.

At our facilities the safety communications centers are built to include: injury tracker for first aids and medical treatment injuries, Safety Stoplight, near miss/ safety opportunity map and the Safety Triangle.

Other safety information that could be included at the centers could be safety mannequins, safety and environmental performance, employee toolbox talks, awareness of EHS programs, committee-based safety information, EHS training and hazard mapping.

INJURY TRACKING POSTERSafetyFirst heat map injury tracking poster example

The  SafetyFirst®  heat map poster is accompanied by a safety stop light at the safety communication centers. Incidents of all severities and types can be displayed for the facility. Red, yellow and green stickers noting the type of incident can be affixed to the affected body part and signal via the safety stop light.  The injury tracking poster features an asexual representation of the human body to be all-inclusive for the work force and the employee is outfitted with traditional manufacturing PPE. The safety stop light can help notify any EHS professionals on the next shift for a recordable or lost time injury (red), first aid (yellow) and no incidents (green) matching the stickers. A visual cue, the  SafetyFirst®  heat map encourages a constant awareness of the state of the facility’s safety status and highlights deficiencies.


H.W. Heinrich changed the world of safety fundamentals forever with his pioneering work in the 1930s. One of his concepts that continues to make us think is his accident triangle (pyramid) - for every 300 unsafe acts there are 29 minor injuries and one major injury.  We build our safety triangle with focus on the "stone" of excellent fundamentals that modify behaviors and actions. When we focus on the fundamentals and the bottom “Tiers” (Safety Opportunities & Near Misses) we prevent and work towards a zero-injury culture.

Image of Safety Injury Triangle


Below are types of incidents and definition for reporting that would be on the safety communication centers.

Safety Opportunities – Identified as unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, and preventative actions that are associated with everyday tasks.  Looking out for physical hazards in all work areas and correcting them immediately, this prevents others from avoiding the same mishap (e.g. Picking up a cord across an aisle or having a conversion with someone on doing a task a safer way).  Identifying a situation or condition in your area or other work areas and taking the opportunity to fix right away.

Near Miss Incident – An actual event that occurs in a specific place at a specific time that had no consequences.  This is an unintentional, unsafe occurrence that could have resulted in an injury, fatality, or property damage.

First Aid – Minor injuries that do not require prescribed medication, sutures, work restrictions, etc.

Medical Treatment Case – Injuries requiring medical attention beyond first aid resulting in any of the following:  restricted or transferred to another job, loss of consciousness, sutures or minimum of 1 dose of prescribed medication used for treatment purposes.

Lost Workday Case – Work days missed following date of injury due to an on the job-related injury or illness.

Lastly, our EHS professionals stage various near miss and safety opportunities with safety mannequins for the employees to identify. You can make safety fun and interesting for your front-line, but most importantly it’s how you continue growing, building and never loosing employee engagement.  Active employee engagement is how an organization builds a long lasting and high-performing safety culture.

Tags: behavior based safety , SafetyFirst , Habits of Excellence , Heat Map ,

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